Regenbogen-Cookies Backen mit Kindern - kunterbunte Regenbogenplätzchen

Rainbow Cookies – the easiest rainbow cookies for kids

*This posting contains advertising Do you already know the easiest recipe for rainbow cookies to bake with children? Our super delicious & easy rainbow cookies! A bright rainbow like this is always a special experience for me...

Aus einer Keksrolle entstehen kunterbunte Regenbogenkekse - einfaches Mottobacken für Kinder

Vanilla rainbow cookies – the colorful cookie roll against gray weather

*This posting contains advertising. With this gray weather, my minis & I need color! We bake brightly colored rainbow cookies from the roll! The ultimate recipe for baking with children on gray days! I honestly want to...

Die Vanille-Cupcakes mit den Meeresfrüchte-Pralinen für die nächste Unterwasser-Party sind die perfekte Partyfood.

Mini Mermaid Cupcakes: Fluffy vanilla cupcakes with creamy vanilla topping

*This posting contains advertising These creamy vanilla cupcakes with their seafood pralines fit perfectly with the children's birthday theme “Under the Sea” or “Mermaid”. Beautifully decorated with mermaids, they are a highlight on the cake table! My minis are currently...

Der bunte Käsekuchen ohne Boden als Paradieskuchen mit natürlicher Lebensmittelfarbe eingefärbt.

Colorful bottomless cheesecake (Product test: Coloring foods from Eat a Rainbow)

*This posting contains advertising Baking with children is colorful! The simple recipe for a colorful bottomless cheesecake is ideal for experimenting with food coloring. Like many children, my children also love colorful things! …

Die bunten Cakepop-Sticks mit jeweils 3 bunten Cakepops sind ein Highlight auf jedem Kindergeburtstag und jeder Kinderparty wie Karneval.

Brightly colored party snack – bright cake pops for the kids

The brightly colored party snack is ideal for your children's birthday party! These colorful cake pops are a nice snack for any children's party and are an eye-catcher on your cake table! My minis love things “colorful” – whether it’s clothing,...