Baking with Kids – Colorful confetti treats for easy baking

Would you like to bake with me? Easy recipes & colorful baking ideas suit you and your company well and are you interested in collaborating with Baking with kids & me? That is great!

I offer you these services:

  • Recipe development
  • Food photography & food styling
  • Blog posts with individual product placement
  • Expand blog posts to social media
  • Content Creation
  • Content creation for external websites and social media channels

Feel free to write to me and I'll send you my colorful Mediakit .

Food photography & food styling

With appealing photos we can tell stories, awaken longings and (childhood) memories... Food photos capture moods and make you want more. This should always be our aim – in magazines, baking books, flyers, product photos or on social media.

I create enjoyable photos according to your ideas and you receive food photography & food styling from a single source..

Recipe development

Benefit from my passion for sweet pastries and my experience in implementing them creatively with (small) children.

I would be happy to develop easy-to-use, sure-to-success sweet baking recipes for your website, social media channels, advertising material or other print products that fit your company, your product and your brand.

Collaborations Blog & Social Media

On my blog Baking with Kids, I have been baking sweet, colorful recipes with my Minis for 8 years that make children's hearts beat faster. You'll find now over 200 colorful & simple recipes, baking tips for baking with kids and products that make baking with kids easier.

I would be happy to include your product, your brand and your company in my blog and my social media channels - if it supports our idea of ​​easy baking and fits my blog and my community. I will mark a joint project as such at any time.

If your gut says “yes” to my blog and our collaboration, then bake with me! Feel free to write me an email

References: Zenker Backformen (Product test), RBV Birkmann (Product test), Die Backhelden (Product test), Die Kinderleichte Becherküche (Product test)


Are you planning an event and need colorful & delicious support? Are you looking for a confetti-colored idea to showcase your products easily and well? Do you need someone to inspire children with colorful activities and appeal to their parents?

Then I look forward to your inquiry to

References: Kinderbücherei Lüneburg (Christmas Workshop)

Further cooperation opportunities

  • Presentation of baking books
  • Event participation, restaurant presentation, shop openings & press trip

If you have other ideas for creative and respectful collaboration, please send me an email: backenmitminis@web.deI am looking forward to it!

Yours, Lia