*This posting contains advertising Today I'm going to reveal you our recipe for the delicious dinosaur landscape for little dinosaur fans - a very easy recipe for the fluffy dinosaur cake for my kid's 6th dinosaur birthday! Our dinosaur party was a…

Colorful and easy recipes for baking with children
*This posting contains advertising Today I'm going to reveal you our recipe for the delicious dinosaur landscape for little dinosaur fans - a very easy recipe for the fluffy dinosaur cake for my kid's 6th dinosaur birthday! Our dinosaur party was a…
*Dieses Posting enthält Werbung Ein Tornister-Kuchen zur Einschulung? Nicht nur ‚was für Profis: So backst du den ultimativen, kinderleichten Motivkuchen zur Einschulung! Nicht mehr lange und aus deinem Kindergartenkind wird ein Schulkind? Wie aufregend! Ein …
*Posting contains advertising We're having a detective party - with matching detective cakes, of course! The fluffy recipe for the marble cake is a hit with the minis! My minis have discovered detective stories for themselves: together with the “Three...
*Dieses Posting enthält Werbung Vom Regenbogenkuchen bis zum fruchtigen Regenbogen-Spieß – wir teilen unsere kunterbunten Partysnacks für deine Regenbogenparty mit dir! Der Regenbogen – ein Zeichen für Gemeinschaft und Einzigartigkeit, für Akzeptanz und Schönheit des …
*Dieses Posting enthält Werbung. Wir zeigen dir wie du mit dem kleinen goldenen Schnatz aus saftigen Schokomuffins leckere Harry Potter Muffins zaubern kannst! Meine Minis haben Harry Potter für sich entdeckt – und ich finde …
*This posting contains advertising Chocolate muffins in a clown costume: our mini clown muffins are a sweet snack for your carnival party! Celebrating carnival at school for the first time, it should be “very special carnival muffins”. Since we last year...
*This posting contains advertising Do you already know the easiest recipe for rainbow cookies to bake with children? Our super delicious & easy rainbow cookies! A bright rainbow like this is always a special experience for me...
*Dieses Posting enthält Werbung. Glücksschokoladen – Glückskekse ‚mal anders… Die schokoladigen Silvester Geschenke mit Glücksbotschaft für das neue Jahr! Mit unserem Download kannst du sie ratzfatz selbermachen. Noch ein paar Tage und wir verabschieden das …
*This posting contains advertising A moist chocolate cake with Christmas spices is the highlight for the Christmas party with children - great recipe for baking with children! Like the last three years, my...
*This posting contains advertising Today we're showing you easy hot chocolate bombs for kids - a super easy DIY Christmas gift that you can make with your kids. You probably know the chocolate Christmas trend from the...
Our favorite Christmas cookie recipes are back for Christmas baking! Easy & fun Christmas cookie recipes for baking with kids! At no other time of year cookie recipes are more in demand than at Christmas time. My minis...
*This posting contains advertising The quick recipe for a chocolaty and creamy Christmas present from the kitchen: Our easy, golden Christmas fudge! A Christmas treat! My kids and I love giving gifts from the kitchen for the holidays:...