Schnelle Weihnachtsplätzchen von der Rolle - ein einfaches Rezept für Weihnachtsplätzchen für das Backen mit Kindern

The secret for the fastest Christmas cookies - our basic recipe for the crispy cookie rolls

*The posting contains advertising. For Christmas baking with your children, today we'll tell you our secret for the quickest Christmas cookies: the basic recipe for our cookie rolls and 10 delicious, Christmassy variations. In recent years...

Der Rentierkuchen ist ein Highlight für das Backen mit Kindern in der Weihnachtszeit.

Red-nosed reindeer cake – Christmas cake with punch (incl. print template)

*Posting contains advertising. Well, do you recognize our Christmas cake with punch? The Christmas bundt cake is decorated as a red-nosed reindeer when baking with children today! A Reindeer cake in November? But yes, my dear sweet tooths, after Halloween starts ...

Last Minute Weihnachtsgeschenke im Glas - die schnellen Geschenke aus der Küche

6 quick Christmas gifts from the kitchen in a jar (including print template)

*This posting contains advertising. Six quick ideas for easy Christmas gifts from the kitchen from the Minis for their favorite people! Delicious & easy last minute gifts. We are in the middle of the wonderful Christmas season - baking Christmas cookies, reading...