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Not long now and the Christmas season begins! An Advent calendar should not be missing! With the small Advent calendar from Just Spices you can spice up your Advent!
There are only two months left and the Christmas season begins! Anyone who has been with us here for a while knows that my minis & I love the Christmas season! I admit that I had a lot of influence on it... but I apologize: I love the magical Christmas season. That's why we sing Christmas carols, organize cookie-baking afternoons with friends, browse through beautiful Christmas books, craft like world champions and enjoy every day before Christmas!
Of course, an Advent calendar should not be missing! I equip the one for my minis myself every year, BUT... there aren't just my minis in our household. 😉 Last year I tried out the Just Spices Advent calendar for the first time. Since I have been working with Just Spices since last year, but haven't been able to try out all the spices yet, I chose this little Advent calendar. So every day I was able to get to know and try out a new spice from the many different spice blends from Just Spices. (In this blog post you will find some of my favorite spice blends from Just Spices, which I regularly use for cooking and baking).
You can also benefit from my cooperation with Just Spices: With the discount code “JustBackenmitMinis” you can save on your purchase at Just Spices and I receive a small commission that I can use to implement other great ideas and projects via our blog.

What are Just Spices?
Before I introduce you to the small Advent calendar from Just Spices, I would like to briefly introduce you to the company Just Spices and its philosophy. The founders of Just Spices had the idea of making everyday cooking easier, more varied and simply more delicious for us with their different spice mixtures. And they have succeeded with their natural and high-quality spice mixtures. There are now delicious spice mixtures for your favorite recipes, classics, but also current food trends, which are an all-in-one solution for your everyday cooking without any artificial flavors and thus make cooking a spicy taste experience. Seasoning is no longer complicated, but has now become a success thanks to the versatile spice mixtures.
There are now not only the “classic” spice jars, but also delicious “In Minutes” products tailored to specific dishes and, in my opinion, great gift sets in the form of “Do it yourself kits”.
Just Spices brings color into your everyday cooking!

Pink DIY gift tag set for Christmas
With our Christmas gift tags you can give your homemade Christmas presents that “special something”
Tags, labels & banderoles to decorate your gifts.
The small Advent calendar from Just Spices & its benefits
Two more months and the Christmas season begins! This year there are again two Advent calendars from Just Spices. The large Advent calendar and the small Advent calendar. The large Advent calendar sweetens the Christmas season with the large spice jars (50 g each) and an accompanying cookbook*, whereas the small Advent calendar contains spice sachets (5 g each) and a variety of recipe cards* – the perfect size to get to know Just Spices and its spice blends.
I'm a big fan of the little Advent calendar! You can now find out why this is so and what advantages it has for you:
Try & test spices
For me, the biggest advantage of the small Advent calendar from Just Spices is that you can try different spices in small portions The respective bags are enough for 2-5 dishes. If you don't like a spice, you won't have a 50g spice jar in your cupboard at home that you don't like, but that still cost money and now takes up valuable space in the kitchen. However, if you are enthusiastic about the spice, you can always reorder it in a spice tin.
Delicious recipe ideas for every spice
It's all well and good to have lots of delicious spices, but what use are they to me if I have no ideas as to which dish they taste good in... So that you can convert the delicious spices into a delicious dish or a delicious cake you get a recipe card for each spice. The recipe cards give you one colorful food inspiration for the whole year. This not only gives you a variety of spices, but also recipe ideas and suggestions for your own menu plan.
Special features this year
As I mentioned at the beginning, I tried out the little Advent calendar for the first time last year and got to know some of my favorite spice mixtures. This year, additional specials have been added to the Advent calendar. For the first time hits a large spice jar behind the 24th door! And a guaranteed voucher (5-50€) for your next purchase at Just Spices, with which you can test other spice mixtures or order your favorites from the small Advent calendar as a spice tin.
Schöne Geschenkidee für Foodliebhaber
The high-quality spices and delicious recipe ideas make the small Advent calendar from Just Spices a special gift for all food lovers. But also for people who are not yet very familiar with cooking and baking and would like to focus more on the topic of “healthy eating” for the new year, the small Advent calendar offers a great opportunity to slowly get to grips with cooking thanks to the delicious recipe cards.

More great gift ideas from Just Spices
If you are looking for high-quality gifts for your loved ones and have enjoyed Just Spices, I can recommend the following Just Spices products:
Spice boxes
The spice boxes contain different combinations of spice jars that have been put together according to different themes. So there is e.g. E.g. the basic spice set, the set for the grilling season, the baking spice set, a spicy Asian spice set, etc. I find the spice sets in a beautifully designed wooden box particularly nice as gifts.
Here you can find all spice boxes from Just Spices

Red DIY gift tag set for Christmas
With our Christmas gift tags you can give your homemade Christmas presents that “special something”
Tags, labels & banderoles to decorate your gifts.
Do it yourself Kits
For everyone who, like me, likes to “give away” time, the “Do it yourself kits” are ideal. The kit includes both spice jars and the accessories that go with the kit. For example, in the “Chocolate Kit” you will find various spices, silicone molds for chocolate bars and a folding box for storing the chocolate you have made. For example, you can make chocolate with your minis during the Christmas season and then give it as a gift at Christmas. Mega!
But I also think a “friends dinner date kit” for a fun girls’ night out with friends or a “gin construction kit” for a joint gin testing with friends is a really great gift idea! The last time we gave the “Dip Kit” away was to a lovely grill master in the summer.
Here you will find the complete selection of “Do it yourself kits”.

I hope I was able to answer all of your questions about the small Advent calendar from Just Spices. If you have any further questions, feel free to write to me in the comments or on Instagram.
My kids & I are already looking forward to a delicious & spicy Advent season with your minis & you, but first we are really looking forward to Halloween! 😉 You too?
Let’s bake it!
Yours, Lia
Have you baked the recipe?
How exciting! We're really happy about that! We are pleased that we were able to delight you with our recipe. Feel free to share your treat with us on Instagram using the hashtag #backenmitminis.
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So einen Adventskalender muss ich auch haben;)
Er sorgt für eine richtig würzige Adventszeit! Vielleicht interessiert dich ja der aktuelle Rabattcode „JustBackenmitminis“ von 22% auf deinen Einkauf bei Just Spices. Der ist bis zum 09.10.22 gültig!
Leckere Grüße