The must-have recipe for fall: a quick pumpkin cake with cinnamon icing! The all-in recipe is perfect for baking with children and sharing a delicious autumn treat! Fall is now truly here and we love it. The …
Baking with Kids – My “To-Want List” for the 4th quarter
Today I’m taking you “behind the scenes” of Baking with Kids and showing you my “To-Want List” for the 4th quarter of 2024. It’s going to be exciting! It's unbelievable: it's already October and this...
Small, refreshing lemon cake: our summer no-bake cake
The refreshing no-bake lemon cake is a delicious alternative to ice cream on hot summer days. Get the easy-peasy recipe for the no-bake cake now! Is it so hot where you are right now? Given the temperatures, I like...
Campsites in the Pyrenees
In this post I will introduce you to the campsites in the Pyrenees where we stayed during our tour of Spain. After I took you on our itinerary through the Pyrenees in the last blog article...
Rundreise durch die Pyrenäen
In diesem Blogbeitrag teile ich mit dir die vielseitigen Stationen & bunten Highlights unserer Rundreise durch die Pyrenäen mit einem Camper. Unser Weg zu den Pyrenäen Um eine Rundreise in den Pyrenäen zu machen, muss …
Unique gifts for starting school (including print template)
*Dieses Posting enthält Werbung Heute teile ich meine kreativen Bastelideen für einzigartige DIY Geschenke für die Einschulung mit dir! Besondere Kleinigkeiten, die du schnell erstellen kannst und dem i-Dötzchen schmecken werden! Die Sommerferien sind bereits …
“Süße Überraschungen für i-Dötzchen” – Schokoladige Geschenke für die Einschulung mit Ritter Sport Minis (inkl. Druckvorlage)
*Dieses Posting enthält Werbung. Mit unserer DIY Vorlage für bunte Einschulungsbanderolen erstellst du kleine, schokoladige Geschenke für die Einschulung deines i-Dötzchens. Der Sommer steht vor der Tür und mit ihm für viele Minis ein ganz …
10 simple birthday cakes with a theme for children's birthday parties
You want to bake your child a themed cake for their birthday, but you're not a baking professional and you're wondering how you're going to do it? Don't panic, I'll show you 10 simple birthday cakes with a motif that are easy to bake! Much …
Detective birthday – party food, games & decorations for your detective party
*This posting contains advertising My kid wants a detective birthday! Today I'm sharing with you my party preparations and the decorations, party games & ideas for our detective party. Like every year, my kid can also...
Simple dinosaur cake for a dinosaur birthday: our delicious dinosaur landscape
*This posting contains advertising Today I'm going to reveal you our recipe for the delicious dinosaur landscape for little dinosaur fans - a very easy recipe for the fluffy dinosaur cake for my kid's 6th dinosaur birthday! Our dinosaur party was a…
Tornister-Kuchen zur Einschulung
*Dieses Posting enthält Werbung Ein Tornister-Kuchen zur Einschulung? Nicht nur ‚was für Profis: So backst du den ultimativen, kinderleichten Motivkuchen zur Einschulung! Nicht mehr lange und aus deinem Kindergartenkind wird ein Schulkind? Wie aufregend! Ein …
Detective cake for the three exclamation mark party: marble cake
*Posting contains advertising We're having a detective party - with matching detective cakes, of course! The fluffy recipe for the marble cake is a hit with the minis! My minis have discovered detective stories for themselves: together with the “Three...